行程特色 |
1.一次走訪喜瑪拉雅山麓的兩個神秘古國不丹、尼泊爾讓您無遺珠之憾。 2.安排走訪亞洲古文明中心及聯合國世界文化遺產(UNESCO)的加德滿都谷地的三座古皇城─加德滿都、巴克塔普爾、帕坦。 3.安排住宿於加德滿都谷地最佳的觀賞日出及日落的地方─那加闊特。
特別安排 |
1.巨國安排泛舟行程,讓您體驗不同的感受。 2.巨國安排最道地的尼泊爾餐及尼泊爾傳統歌舞秀。 3.暢遊不丹、尼泊爾的著名宗堡、寺廟等,是一場豐富的心靈饗宴。 4.巨國安排含來回國際航班,由加德滿都飛往帕羅,有機會在空中一覽喜瑪拉雅山脈河谷風光。 5.巨國提供每位旅客每日礦泉水一瓶。 |
十人成行,派領隊。每週六出發。 2.尼泊爾中文導遊,不丹英文導遊 3.費用含稅、簽證、小費。
第 1 天 |
台北TAIPEI ─ 香港Hongkong ─ 加德滿都Kathmandu |
景點資訊 |
當天餐食資訊 |
Arrival at international airport. Meets by our representative, Transfer to hotel, Check in and overnight stay at hotel. 班機抵達加德滿都後由專人接至飯店休息。 |
行 程:台北TAIPEI ─ 香港Hongkong ─ 加德滿都Kathmandu
Arrival at international airport. Meets by our representative, Transfer to hotel, Check in and overnight stay at hotel.
第 2 天 |
加德滿都Kathmandu─參考航班:不丹航空KB401 0915/1050─帕羅Paro─辛布Thimpu |
景點資訊 |
當天餐食資訊 |
Druk Air Flight to Paro is one of the most spectacular of all mountain flights.Whether flying along the Himalayan range from Kathmandu or the foot hill, each flight is a mesmerizing feat and offers exciting descent into the kingdom. On arrival at the airport received by our representative, then transfer to Thimpu, the modern capital town of Bhutan, After lunch, Then visit Drugyel Dzong, Drupthob Nunnery, BBS Tower, Thimphu Takin Zoo. Overnight at hotel in Thimpu. 早餐後前往機場搭機飛往不丹的帕羅( Paro)此段飛行可感受非常壯觀的經驗,不管是從加德滿都沿喜瑪喇雅山的範圍飛行或沿著河谷飛行都會讓您體驗到帶有一種非常興奮的心來到這個神秘的山中王國。抵達後專車前往不丹首都─辛布,午餐後接著參觀離帕羅約14公里的杜克耶堡Drugyel Dzong(本義為“勝利之宗”) 遺址,它是由夏巴尊王(Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel 1594~1615統一不丹的王)為了紀念不丹戰勝西藏入侵者及不丹統一而建立的。若天氣好的時候,是觀賞海拔7239M的[穆拉里女神峰](Mount Chomolhair,不丹人民尊稱為聖山)的最佳位置。接著參觀Drupthob Nunnery廟,及不丹廣播電台發射塔BBS Tower,並前往辛布動物園 Thimphu Takin Zoo 觀看羊頭牛身的不丹國獸─塔金。
行 程:加德滿都Kathmandu─參考航班:不丹航空KB401 0915/1050─帕羅Paro─辛布Thimpu
Druk Air Flight to Paro is one of the most spectacular of all mountain flights.Whether flying along the Himalayan range from Kathmandu or the foot hill, each flight is a mesmerizing feat and offers exciting descent into the kingdom. On arrival at the airport received by our representative, then transfer to Thimpu, the modern capital town of Bhutan, After lunch, Then visit Drugyel Dzong, Drupthob Nunnery, BBS Tower, Thimphu Takin Zoo. Overnight at hotel in Thimpu. 早餐後前往機場搭機飛往不丹的帕羅( Paro)此段飛行可感受非常壯觀的經驗,不管是從加德滿都沿喜瑪喇雅山的範圍飛行或沿著河谷飛行都會讓您體驗到帶有一種非常興奮的心來到這個神秘的山中王國。抵達後專車前往不丹首都─辛布,午餐後接著參觀離帕羅約14公里的杜克耶堡Drugyel Dzong(本義為“勝利之宗”) 遺址,它是由夏巴尊王(Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyel 1594~1615統一不丹的王)為了紀念不丹戰勝西藏入侵者及不丹統一而建立的。若天氣好的時候,是觀賞海拔7239M的[穆拉里女神峰](Mount Chomolhair,不丹人民尊稱為聖山)的最佳位置。接著參觀Drupthob Nunnery廟,及不丹廣播電台發射塔BBS Tower,並前往辛布動物園 Thimphu Takin Zoo 觀看羊頭牛身的不丹國獸─塔金。
餐 食 |
住 宿 |
Hotel River View或同級 |
In the morning visit the Tashichhodzong, the beautiful medieval fortress/monastery which houses most of the government offices and the King's throne room. then drive to Punakha. Across Dochula Pass (3,150m).Visit Punakha Dzong, Overnight at a hotel in Punakha. 早餐後,安排參觀大西丘宗 Tashichhodzong ,於1641年所建,它是不丹最美麗輝煌的宗教古堡及喇嘛們做為研修、居住的寺院,也是現代不丹國王辦事處及一些政府機關的辦公場所。接著前往不丹的舊都─普納卡Punakha ,途經都楚拉隘口 Dochula Pass 3150M,此處 有第四世國王 吉格梅辛格 楚旺克 Jigme Singye Wangchuck為紀念和印度南部阿薩姆 (Assam) 戰役勝利而建的108 座佛塔,也有祈求世界和平的意義,又稱凱旋塔。此處亦是不丹境內觀賞喜馬拉雅山脈Gangkar punsum(干卡本森峰,7570M 不丹最高峰)的最佳地點。普納卡宗Punakha Dzong是位在父親河與母親河兩河交會處。普納卡宗是第一位統治不丹的 Shabdrung Ngwang Ndamgyal (夏鍾雅旺南伽,夏鍾仁波切)所建造的第一個宗,原來的宗曾被燒毀,只剩一小部份,現今的宗是後來新蓋。此處地勢較低氣溫較高,故也做為宗教領袖的夏季行宮,普那卡宗亦是現今第五世國王在2011年10月13日舉行大婚之所。
行 程:辛布Thimpu─普那卡Punakha
In the morning visit the Tashichhodzong, the beautiful medieval fortress/monastery which houses most of the government offices and the King's throne room. then drive to Punakha. Across Dochula Pass (3,150m).Visit Punakha Dzong, Overnight at a hotel in Punakha. 早餐後,安排參觀大西丘宗 Tashichhodzong ,於1641年所建,它是不丹最美麗輝煌的宗教古堡及喇嘛們做為研修、居住的寺院,也是現代不丹國王辦事處及一些政府機關的辦公場所。接著前往不丹的舊都─普納卡Punakha ,途經都楚拉隘口 Dochula Pass 3150M,此處 有第四世國王 吉格梅辛格 楚旺克 Jigme Singye Wangchuck為紀念和印度南部阿薩姆 (Assam) 戰役勝利而建的108 座佛塔,也有祈求世界和平的意義,又稱凱旋塔。此處亦是不丹境內觀賞喜馬拉雅山脈Gangkar punsum(干卡本森峰,7570M 不丹最高峰)的最佳地點。普納卡宗Punakha Dzong是位在父親河與母親河兩河交會處。普納卡宗是第一位統治不丹的 Shabdrung Ngwang Ndamgyal (夏鍾雅旺南伽,夏鍾仁波切)所建造的第一個宗,原來的宗曾被燒毀,只剩一小部份,現今的宗是後來新蓋。此處地勢較低氣溫較高,故也做為宗教領袖的夏季行宮,普那卡宗亦是現今第五世國王在2011年10月13日舉行大婚之所。
After breakfast, Visit Rinpung Dzong Utsz, Then drive to Sartsham Chorten which is takes 20 minute drives. Two hours of horse riding (optional) to Taktsang. After refreshments, a short trek to Taktsang Lhakhang, the most famous of Bhutanese monasteries. It is said that Guru Rinpoche arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated at this Monastery, hence it is called "Tiger's Nest".Afternoon visit Kyichu Lhakhang and the National Museum located in Ta Dzong. Overnight at a hotel in Paro. 一早安排參觀寧波宗 Rinpung Dzong又稱帕羅宗 Paro Dzong,它是帕羅地區的行政,宗教中心,中央塔 Utsz 精緻的木工藝術堪稱不丹最美麗的景緻之一。然後前往 史特翰卓藤Sartsham Chorten準備騎馬(自費行程)上塔桑Taktshang行程約2小時,中途會在咖啡館稍微休息後健行一小段山路而到達塔桑寺,塔桑寺是不丹最有名氣的廟宇之一,據說當年蓮花生大師騎虎到此並在此修道,因此此地也叫虎穴寺,下午參觀藏王松贊干布建於8世紀的祈楚寺 Kyichu Lhakhang,它是不丹最古老和最美麗的寺廟及參觀山崗上的大宗Ta Dzong現在改為國家博物館National Museum。
Nak-sel Boutique Hotel and SPA或同級 |
行 程:辛布Thimpu─帕羅Paro
After breakfast, Visit Rinpung Dzong Utsz, Then drive to Sartsham Chorten which is takes 20 minute drives. Two hours of horse riding (optional) to Taktsang. After refreshments, a short trek to Taktsang Lhakhang, the most famous of Bhutanese monasteries. It is said that Guru Rinpoche arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated at this Monastery, hence it is called "Tiger's Nest".Afternoon visit Kyichu Lhakhang and the National Museum located in Ta Dzong. Overnight at a hotel in Paro. 一早安排參觀寧波宗 Rinpung Dzong又稱帕羅宗 Paro Dzong,它是帕羅地區的行政,宗教中心,中央塔 Utsz 精緻的木工藝術堪稱不丹最美麗的景緻之一。然後前往 史特翰卓藤Sartsham Chorten準備騎馬(自費行程)上塔桑Taktshang行程約2小時,中途會在咖啡館稍微休息後健行一小段山路而到達塔桑寺,塔桑寺是不丹最有名氣的廟宇之一,據說當年蓮花生大師騎虎到此並在此修道,因此此地也叫虎穴寺,下午參觀藏王松贊干布建於8世紀的祈楚寺 Kyichu Lhakhang,它是不丹最古老和最美麗的寺廟及參觀山崗上的大宗Ta Dzong現在改為國家博物館National Museum。
餐 食 |
住 宿 |
Nak-sel Boutique Hotel and SPA或同級 |
第 5 天 |
帕羅Paro─參考航班不丹航空KB204 08000855─加德滿都Kathmandu─奇旺Chitwan |
景點資訊 |
當天餐食資訊 |
After breakfast drive to airport and fly to Kathmandu, After arrival, Visit Bouddhanath and Pashupatinath ,After Lunch, drive to Chitwan. take rafting in Charaudi (Trisuli River), start rafting 3 to 4 hour to Kuringhat finish point, then continue drive to Chitwan, evening after Bar –B-Q Dinner, Tharu Stick Dance Program. Overnight at a hotel in Chitwan。 一早專車前往機場,搭機回加德滿都,抵達加德滿都驅車前往奇旺 Chitwan,特別安排到翠蘇里河(Trisuli River)泛舟的起點Charaudi,泛舟活動約3~4小時的行程後,到達Kuringhat上岸,繼續驅車前往奇旺 (Chitwan),晚餐享用B B Q,並欣賞塔魯族木棍民俗傳統舞蹈。
行 程:帕羅Paro─參考航班不丹航空KB204 08000855─加德滿都Kathmandu─奇旺Chitwan After breakfast drive to airport and fly to Kathmandu, After arrival, Visit Bouddhanath and Pashupatinath ,After Lunch, drive to Chitwan. take rafting in Charaudi (Trisuli River), start rafting 3 to 4 hour to Kuringhat finish point, then continue drive to Chitwan, evening after Bar –B-Q Dinner, Tharu Stick Dance Program. Overnight at a hotel in Chitwan。 一早專車前往機場,搭機回加德滿都,抵達加德滿都驅車前往奇旺 Chitwan,特別安排到翠蘇里河(Trisuli River)泛舟的起點Charaudi,泛舟活動約3~4小時的行程後,到達Kuringhat上岸,繼續驅車前往奇旺 (Chitwan),晚餐享用B B Q,並欣賞塔魯族木棍民俗傳統舞蹈。
Morning after breakfast, Canoeing in Rapti River with watching Crocodiles then Jungle Walk tour with jungle guide and visit the Elephant Breeding Centre, After lunch, then drive to Nagarkot, Arrive and sunset view with mountain, dinner and, O/N stay at hotel in Nagarkot。早餐後安排獨木舟漫遊雷布提河 (Rapti river),您可搜尋野外水鳥及鱷魚的蹤跡,接著隨著當地導遊進入叢林健行及參觀大象撫育中心,下午驅車前往 那加闊特Nagarkot,抵達後安排欣日落美景。
行 程:奇旺Chitwan─那加闊特Nagarkot
Morning after breakfast, Canoeing in Rapti River with watching Crocodiles then Jungle Walk tour with jungle guide and visit the Elephant Breeding Centre, After lunch, then drive to Nagarkot, Arrive and sunset view with mountain, dinner and, O/N stay at hotel in Nagarkot。早餐後安排獨木舟漫遊雷布提河 (Rapti river),您可搜尋野外水鳥及鱷魚的蹤跡,接著隨著當地導遊進入叢林健行及參觀大象撫育中心,下午驅車前往 那加闊特Nagarkot,抵達後安排欣日落美景。
Early morning sunrise view then after breakfast drive to Patan city to visit Patan Durbar square, Krishna mandir and Golden temple, lunch and ,and drive to Bhaktapur for sightseeing of Bhaktapur durbar square, Peacock Window, Pottery Square, O/N stay. At hotel in Kathmandu. 今天起個大早看日出及晨曦山景,早餐後前往帕坦市區觀光,接著參觀帕坦市杜爾巴廣場、克里須納寺Krishna Mandir、黃金廟 Golden temple午餐後前往之後轉往巴克塔普爾(Bhaktapur)參觀舊皇宮廣場、孔雀窗、陶藝廣場。
行 程:那加闊特Nagarkot─帕坦Patan─加德滿都Kathmandu
Early morning sunrise view then after breakfast drive to Patan city to visit Patan Durbar square, Krishna mandir and Golden temple, lunch and ,and drive to Bhaktapur for sightseeing of Bhaktapur durbar square, Peacock Window, Pottery Square, O/N stay. At hotel in Kathmandu. 今天起個大早看日出及晨曦山景,早餐後前往帕坦市區觀光,接著參觀帕坦市杜爾巴廣場、克里須納寺Krishna Mandir、黃金廟 Golden temple午餐後前往之後轉往巴克塔普爾(Bhaktapur)參觀舊皇宮廣場、孔雀窗、陶藝廣場。
Morning after breakfast, (Optional mountain flight), Sightseeing tour to Visit Swyambhunath and Kathmandu Durbar Squire , noon after visit Bouddhanath and Pashupatinath and free time for Shopping in Thamel and ason Evening dinner at typical nepali restaurant with live music and dance, then transfer to airport for your final departure.BR>用完早餐後您可以選擇自由自費參加聖母峰山峰飛行活動,之後參觀四眼天神廟(Swyambhunath)和加德滿都杜爾巴廣場。下午安排參觀布特納佛塔 (Bouddhanath)、濕婆神廟(Pashupatinath),之後的時間您可以安排在當地的 Ason (The local Market)市場和Thamel (The Tourist Market)觀光市場選購個人喜愛的商品。晚餐特別安排享用道地尼泊爾餐並欣賞尼泊爾民俗歌舞表演。隨後專車接往機場準備搭機回國。
班機上午經香港轉機返回桃園國際機場,結束此悠遊山中幸福雙國之旅。 本公司保留有作行程、餐食先後調整之權利,以出發前說明會行程資料為準。 |