- Aug 13 Mon 2018 14:56
- Aug 13 Mon 2018 11:45
- Aug 13 Mon 2018 10:03
- Aug 13 Mon 2018 09:42
國家 | 寮國 |
辦件單位 | 寮國駐港辦事處 |
辦件工作日 | 10天 一般件/ 6天 急件 |
證照日期 | |
入境可停留天數 | |
代辦費用 | TWD 4900 起 / TWD 5900 起 |
辦證須知 | 護照正本、ID影本、訂位記錄、聯絡電話、2吋彩色近照3張。 |
辦證備註 |
1. 香港工作天需加上郵包寄送時間 2. 價錢因匯率而調整,實際價格請洽>巨國簽證組。 |
辦件名條 |
請洽巨國簽證組TEL:02-2545-7700 |
- Aug 10 Fri 2018 15:20
- Aug 10 Fri 2018 14:36
美麗山城~重慶三大世界遺產、 武隆、大足、金佛山5日小旅行
- Aug 10 Fri 2018 12:20
■ 電話應對的事前準備
■ 打電話時的禮儀
- Aug 10 Fri 2018 12:14
Telephone Etiquette and Manner
1. Speak clearly. A picture paints a thousand words but the caller on the other end of the phone can only hear you. They cannot see your face or body language. Therefore, taking the time to speak clearly, slowly and in a cheerful, professional voice is very important.
2. Use your normal tone of voice when answering a call. If you have a tendency to speak loud or shout, avoid doing so on the telephone.
3. Do not eat or drink while you are on telephone duty. Only eat or drink during your coffee break or lunch break.
4. Answer the phone within three rings and always prepare a pen and notepaper beside the phone.
5. Always identify yourself properly. When calling a client or customer, whether in person or when leaving a message, always identify yourself properly by providing your name, company name and contact telephone number. For example, "Good afternoon Mr. Brown, this is Ms. Brown from Officeskills.org. My telephone number is 408-555-1212." Always be aware of confidential information when leaving messages. Also, be aware of people around you while talking on the phone. Be discreet! Someone next to you might overhear confidential information that could negatively affect your business.
6. Address the Caller Properly by his or her title. (i.e. Good morning Mr. Brown, Good afternoon Ms. Sanders). Never address an unfamiliar caller by his or her first name.
7. Ensure who the Caller is looking for. If the person is unfortunately not on duty or just left the office, ask politely if you can leave messages for the caller. If the Caller makes a wrong call, you should still inform them kindly by saying “Dear Mr. / Ms. XXX, this is XXX company. I am afraid that you dialed the wrong number.”
8. Listen to the Caller and what they have to say. The ability to listen is a problem in general but it is very important to listen to what the caller has to say. It is always a good habit to repeat the information back to the client when you are taking a message. Verify that you have heard and transcribed the message accurately.
9. Be patient and helpful. If a caller is irate or upset, listen to what they have to say and then refer them to the appropriate resource. Never snap back or act rude to the caller.
- Aug 10 Fri 2018 12:02
電話鈴聲響三聲內接聽電話,話筒與口距離約五公分位置。 通常拿起話筒,先報出自己服務單位並加問候語,接聽時第一句話即說:「巨國您好!」。 這是非常重要的禮儀,也代表了單位形象。 |
如對方擬找的人不在,應婉言告知某人剛離開位置或出差請假,並詢問對方尊姓大名,是否需留話轉告等,絕對不可隨興答覆「他不在」,即掛斷電話。 如係對方撥錯電話,應親切告知「您可能是撥錯電話了!」若接聽電話人員知道單位分機號碼,亦可代為轉接,並加以說明,若轉接不過,請其重撥。 |
例如:「這裡是ΧΧ單位,您打錯電話囉!」語氣略帶親切有禮,會留給對方好印象。 若轉接電話有誤,且知是部內其他單位的業務時,應熱心幫忙轉接電話,並預先告知轉接之分機號碼,以免電話一轉再轉,易造成對方不耐煩,甚至到最後轉丟了,更造成對方的誤會,這點應多加留意。 |
對方敘述時,要注意傾聽,並適時回應,以免要對方再複述一次,否則那是很不禮貌的,同時也會引起對方的反感,如果確實沒聽清楚,需對方重述一次時,可把因素歸諸於外來的干擾,(或說電話有雜音、或有插撥電話),並說:「對不起!麻煩您請再說一遍好嗎?」語氣溫和有禮,對方必能接受,不會造成誤會。 通話完畢,禮貌上應由「對方」先掛斷電話,接聽電話人員再輕放好電話。 |
- Aug 10 Fri 2018 09:43